St James Clinic
Chiropody & Podiatry
​​Call Us Now : 07980 775716
payment policy
We prefer payment in cash but accept card payments. Payment fees are due in full at the end of each treatment. Our fees are listed below.
Standard chiropody treatment from £28
Nail surgery from £250
Orthotic assesment from £28
Orthoses available from £45
We prefer cash but accept card payments
private health schemes
What billing or insurance information will I receive?
​You will receive a treatment receipt on payment of fees at the end of each treatment session. This must be submitted to your service provider.
How long will it take to get things settled with the healthcare company?
Generally, it takes from 45 to 60 days to obtain payment from a private healthcare company.​
​How much of the fees can I claim back ?
Cover will vary from company to company but usualy 50% of fees upto a preset yearly limit.
value. ​quality, care,. convenience.